
How to Get the Most Out of Your SEO

The good news is that tomorrow (Wednesday 24th Feb), at 8.30am PST (11.30am EST / 4.30pm GMT), I am going to be joined on the next Distilled conference call by Richard Baxter as we discuss “how to get the most from your SEO”. The even better news is that it is totally free (as long as you register in time).

If you would like to join us on the call, simply register on the Distilled site and you will be sent instructions to join the conference (which will be handled by gotomeeting / gotowebinar).

Previous calls have been more technical and have been essentially presentations that I have delivered with a slide-deck. I did one on SEOmoz tools and one on how to be an Excel ninja – both videos are available on the Distilled site.

This one is going to be a little different. Rich should need little introduction. With a strong background in in-house travel SEO followed by founding his agency, SEOgadget, he is not only a true guru of keyword research and large site architecture, but also has experience on both sides of the client / agency relationship. He also spoke at the London PRO training seminar last October (thanks to foliovision for the photo):

Richard Baxter presenting at the London PRO training

Rich and I plan to let you into a relaxed chat. We might pull up the occasional website or slide but fundamentally, it’ll be a little like sitting in on a live whiteboard Friday (on a Wednesday, without a whiteboard, or Rand!).

The conversation is likely to be pretty free-flowing – in many ways it will lead on from my WBF conversation with Rand about choosing an SEO consultant – but I can’t guarantee exactly what we will talk about! We are intending to cover:

  • the best tasks to keep in-house vs. outsource
  • combining SEO effectively with PPC, PR and marketing
  • integrating SEO into other processes (e.g. development, business development)
  • how to get the most from your agency
  • how to keep an eye on your agency and avoid bans and penalties
  • how to be a great SEO client and get even more out of your agency

We hope to have you there. We will be taking questions – both on Twitter (hashtag: #optimalSEO) and via the chat interface in gotowebinar, but if you have anything you’d specifically like us to cover, feel free to use the comments below to chime in.

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